Cyber Security Risk Assessments

Cyber Strategy leverages the NIST Cybersecurity Framework to develop a comprehensive approach to enumerating risks and developing solutions to each unique business component.

According to NIST, the goal of a risk assessment is for an organization to understand “the cybersecurity risk to organizational operations (including mission, functions, image, or reputation), organizational assets, and individuals.”  As set out by NIST, conducting a risk assessment typically includes the following six steps:

  1. Identify and Document Asset Vulnerabilities
  2. Identify and Document Internal and External Threats
  3. Acquire Threat and Vulnerability Information from External Sources
  4. Identify Potential Business Impacts and Likelihoods
  5. Determine Enterprise Risk by Reviewing Threats, Vulnerabilities, Likelihoods and Impacts
  6. Identify and Prioritize Risk Responses

We work with industry professionals to quickly remediate threats. Our partners bring centuries of experience to augment our analysis.

Website Hardening

Cyber Strategy uses proven methods to secure login pages with dual factor authentication, permission protection, and more

Identified Threat Vector

If you’re aware of a specific threat vector, we can address that single need with software, hardware, or training for your team.  We typically assist your existing IT team with projects that are new to them.

Business Continuity Planning

We help create systems of prevention and recovery to deal with worst case scenario of total data loss.  We help you understand the risks of your business and develop plans to keep you in business should the worst occur. This process can also be called Continuity Of Operations Planning (COOP) or Business Continuity and Resiliency Planning (BCRP).


Take Action Immediately

If you believe your business has been “hacked” or that data has been accessed without your permission, you need to drop everything and contact a Cyber Security firm immediately.

  • Intrusion Prevention
  • Data Loss
  • Ransomware
  • Data Restoration
  • Intrusion Investigation